These embroidered Russian doll motifs were originally attached to a cloth. They'll be on the website soon - with better photos!
AT LAST my book has arrived from Blurb. I'm so pleased with it and the photos look even better in the book than they do on my computer screen. Mum has already decided she will need several to give as presents, and I keep looking through it and grinning. It's a great thrill to see something bound as a book and to know it's all your own work. Admittedly it's only photographs with no wording, other than on the fly sheet, but they're my photos and I decided what should go where. I really wasn't sure how well it would turn out, but what do you think? I've scanned these 3 photos from the book and although they look a bit odd because of the light from the scanner on the glossy paper and the fact that the book wouldn't lie flat (there are 84 pages), it gives you an idea.

This last group of photos were taken over a period of about 10 minutes of THE most amazing sunset a few years ago around this time of year. I stood in the garden and kept taking photos until it was all over. And now I shall be able to re-live it any time I like! I can't believe that it will be the longest day at the end of the week. (Dare I say ... I heard a customer in DH today mention Christmas presents. Aaaaargh!!!!)
3 x good things = 'Happy Sue'!
(Actually its 4 counting the end of your horrid virus!)
Well done Sue - I'm so glad that DH is under such exceptional management!
Your website is looking fabulous and so well stocked.
AND the book is stunning - you must be thrilled to bits and so proud too.
What's the next challenge?.....
Niki x
Hi Sue, so glad you are better now and things going well at Dairy House. You have some lovely things to go onto your website too.
The pics in your book look amazing, what an amazing achievement!
Lucy x
The shop looks fantastic & I'm so pleased to hear that sales are good & that you're on the mend. Love the photo book too - great job!
I'm off to visit your wbsite now........
So pleased to hear that you're finally feeling completely better and that Dairy House is doing well. Must be a great relief. The book looks really fantastic. I really must give blurb a look.
Hi, so pleased that DH is doing well....you've got some lovely things there...looks fascinating, just the kind of place I love to browse.
Margaret and Noreen
Hi Sue,
So pleased to hear you are now finally over that nasty virus. Glad to hear things are going well at DH. I pointed someone in your direction who was after some kitchenalia this week - did they contact you? I love the photos in your book, that sunset is truly amazing.
Ruth x
so glad that the business is going well - and that you're really better
those russian embroideries are great!
Hello Sue,
Your book looks wonderful! I started to download a blurb book of my blog, 18 months ago, but have had cold feet. Seeing yours has spurred me on. Have you any hints or advice in doing it?
Jane x
So pleased to hear that the lurgy has finally abated.. gosh that was a long one!
I have spotted oodles of lovely things on your blog and hope that all is going well for you at The Dairy House. You never know ... I might actually make it there this summer!
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