Well ... catching up with what? Catching up first of all with family for a very special 90th birthday party at the weekend. Mum's sister-in-law, my aunt, had a wonderful party at her home in Northamptonshire - Stoke Bruerne, to be precise. Those of you who enjoy narrow boat holidays, live in Northamptonshire or have an interest in the waterways of Britain will have heard of Stoke Bruerne, I'm sure.
We stayed on the farm again for 2 nights, and I'm pleased to say that the whole weekend was full of sunshine. There were about 90 guests at the party and it was great to catch up with cousins - I think it was almost a full compliment - aunts and uncles, and to say hello to people Paul and I hadn't seen seen for several years. I haven't asked permission, so won't post a photo of the birthday girl, but here's a piccie of the very tasty cake!

Secondly, Mum and I spent a windy day in Dorset last Tuesday - Burton Bradstock to be precise. This is our favourite place for a day by the sea, and although it was a wee bit chilly we had a lovely sea blow, followed by lunch at the Hive Café where we chatted with a lovely elderly lady from Lancashire who now lives in Bridport. She was such fun to chat to whilst we ate our lunch. Here's Mum setting off in the direction of West Bay (not that we walked that far!).
We had a quick look at Chesil Beach but didn't fancy trying to walk along the shingle so decided the quick look was enough.
Even more of a catch-up are my purchases from the 3-day Antiques Fair at Shepton Mallet the weekend before last. This fabulous printer's tray full of letters and punctuation is delightful. The letters are loose, so I'm not sure yet whether to sell the complete package or whether to sell the letters individually. I think I shall probably hold out for selling the lot as a whole. I have some loose ones which I'll try selling separately and see how they go.
And what do you think of this little collection? A pint-sized ironing board, clothes airer and mangle. All purchased at Shepton Mallet and destined for the Vintage & Handmade Fair on 14 November.

I've just looked out of the window. I hope you've all noticed the beginnings of yet another glorious sunset. Haven't we been lucky this last week? Mind you, those gardeners and farmers amongst us are desperate for rain!
As for the rest of September, I seem to have been inundated with paperwork, phone calls, customers at Dairy House (not complaining) and the month has flown by even faster than August.
October starts with a trip to see Donna. She is holding her Autumn Open House Sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Gillie and I are off to see her on Friday when I think we shall be meeting up with Liz and a few other textile/vintage dealers. Gillie and I plan to smell the sea at Appledore before travelling home and I'm led to believe, by the person we're visiting there, that a new shop has opened there, selling ... CHOCOLATE! It would be rude not to go, wouldn't it!!
In case October sets off at a cracking pace and I have to run to catch up, have a lovely start to Autumn, and hopefully I'll manage to post again before Halloween!