27 July 2008
Rag Market Reminder ...
Bargains, Studio and Workshop Clearance
Old, Vintage and Modern Fabrics,Haberdashery, Fashion Items, Linens andPatchworks
A Date Not to be Missed for Any Creative Person.
Treasures From the Trunks of Our West Country Textile Dealers and Artists
10am to 4pm
Tel: 01647 231459 Fax: 01647 231659 email shyson@freenetname.co.uk
Hope to see you there!
23 July 2008
An Award ...

There have been some wonderful clouds this evening with glittering edges - or silver linings - whichever you prefer. I raced upstairs to pick up my camera and needless to say the battery was flat! I'd left it plugged into the computer when I uploaded some photos earlier! Doh! Just when you see cloud formations you know you won't see again and you've lost your chance! Aaaargh! Serves me right. I forget to unplug the camera more often than not.
Now, 7 brilliant blogs. I've added quite a few just recently to my list of regulars to visit. These aren't all listed on the sidebar, but are providing me with an ever-growing favourites list. The latest ones are 'filed' under 'blogs - special new ones' so that I can find them quickly and read through all their posts in order to get to know them. There are also a few 'old faithfuls' who I check on every day to see if they've added any new posts. Inadvertently, they've become quite special to me.
In no particular order, the 7 are:
Home Again ...
21 July 2008
Over or Under ...
If the sidebar is right then we've missed a giveaway, so we'll go by the Dashboard number and I'll get ready a giveaway parcel to celebrate 200 posts when that magic number is achieved on the Dashboard.
Thanks indeed to Niki for a glorious advertisement for Dairy House with some super photos. I have to admit that it's tiring travelling over there 4 days a week (60-mile round trip), but the buzz is worth it. I'm loving it!
Now ... what shall I put in the giveaway I wonder ... any suggestions? ... I rather fancy a red theme ... and how long is it going to take me to do another 12 posts.
20 July 2008
In the News ...

17 July 2008
I See the Moon ...
14 July 2008
A Sunny Flea ... (and an apology)
It turned out to be a good day of selling for me, too, which was exceedingly nice! None of us were sure what the turnout would be - July can be notoriously bad and the fact that this date wasn't on the Flea calendar so to speak was a tad worrying - but I think most dealers were happy.
I spent, of course! I managed to nip outside after unloading the car but before setting up my pitch as I knew I'd have 20 minutes or so to do the equivalent of 'Supermarket Sweep' round some of the outside pitches. I managed to find the dealers I was looking for almost immediately, and within minutes was writing out a (far too) large cheque and hoping that I'd sell something to compensate for my rashness!!! Consequently I didn't venture further afield but dragged my dustbin sack full of lace, baby/toddler dresses/shoes back to my stand and hid it under the table so I could pretend I hadn't just done that! A few hours later I managed to whizz outside again for 10 minutes, went straight back to the new owner of my money and did it again, giving her cash this time. Heyho ... a dealer's life is a nerve-racking/exhausting/up-and-down/above-all-the-greatest-fun existence and I wouldn't want to swap it for the world!
As you know, a couple of Bloggers are regulars at the Flea but there was a good turnout of both Bloggers and Blog readers yesterday. First of all there was Lucy Bloom, then Maggie, then 2 lovely ladies who saw the Dairy House flyers and said they've recently found my blog. It was their first visit to the Flea and they were having a wonderful time - thanks for your purchases, ladies! Then Niki and her friend Debbie came by, then Frances of A Little Bit Vintage and finally Clare. Most of my regular customers came as well, so it was a very sociable day. Donna was due to come but no-one saw her, so we're not sure what happened to her. Donna, I'll email you! Update - profuse apology! I realise I missed Kelly off the list of people I saw yesterday. So sorry Kelly!!!
Needless to say I had no time for photos, and need to unload the car before I can take any today.
Have a jolly week, and I'll hope to add photos next time!
09 July 2008
Giant Flea and A Rag Market ... and a Dairy House update
Bargains, Studio and Workshop Clearance
Old, Vintage and Modern Fabrics,
Haberdashery, Fashion Items, Linens and
A Date Not to be Missed for Any Creative Person.
Treasures From the Trunks of Our
West Country Textile Dealers and Artists
10am to 4pm
05 July 2008
Bumper to Bumper ...

04 July 2008
Buzzy Bees ... Updated ...
Having looked up Somerset Beekeepers to see what should be done, I find that this is apparently the transition stage where they regroup before going off to find a new home - somewhere dark such as under roof tiles or in chimneys. Please bees, not our chimney or our roof. Somewhere else would be much nicer for you, honest!
According to the website they stay in this transition place for anything from 5 to 25 minutes-ish (but they're still there at the moment) ... but they have changed from 2 swarms to one. It said they would split into 2 or 3, so I'm not sure what's going to happen next. But this is how they looked when I started to write this post.
So, until they've located their new home we're sweltering indoors with all the windows shut, so that they don't take up squatters' rights and evict us!
Update: What I didn't say was that this tree is in Mum's garden, which meant she couldn't do her usual afternoon's gardening. They're not dangerous when they're homeless (according to the website information mentioned above) but they are just a little too close for comfort! It's almost 6 o'clock and they're still in situ and look as if they're settled for the night. Hmmm!
Update 2: So, it's not what you know, it's who you know ... I was catching up with Liz earlier to see how she'd got on at Dairy House yesterday while we were at a wedding, and she said the girl who works for her keeps bees. Anyway, Paula phoned me with the number of a beekeeper in Somerton who lives just round the corner, and has just been to collect them ... in the rain ... at 8.30 this evening. This is how they do it ...

Apologies for the blurred photos - it was raining and he was moving all the time. What a nice man!! Although he says some were so snuggled up in the pines that he couldn't get them all. He thinks they'll just disperse over the next day or so. Hope so. He was impressed with the size of the swarm and it was much bigger than he was expecting. With luck they'll provide him with plenty of honey. If you enlarge the photos you should be able to see them buzzing round the box. Amazing. He showed me his gloves covered in stings when he'd finished. Me? I'm itching like mad now ... well, wouldn't you?!!!